This is the first in a series of drawings which are inspired by Durer's Apocalypse prints. Apocalypse is a word often misused in modern times, it literally means "lifting the veil", the apocalypse, supposedly, was a time when great truths would be unveiled. It has become synonymous with "end times" or "Armageddon".
Taking these ideas into account, and totally giving up on using the book of revelations for material, my series looks at ideas of utopia and dystopia, power and the environment. A lot of people forget that nature is awesome. If god created the heavens and the earth, then they should be worshipped above the bible, the instruction manual on who to kill and when. Without getting too pretentious here, the pieces place the natural world above human endeavours and creations.
There should be 8 to 12 of these, I can't decide on a really cool number.