I've begun working on an album cover for the one-man technical death metal project Indricothere. The Indricothere itself was the largest land mammal of all time, a kind of giraffe sized rhinoceros. The Indricothere in question is one of the many, many projects of multi instrumentalist Colin Marston, who releases fantastic, intricate music at a prolific rate.
In this vein, I've been asked to draw up a new logo, which is always a hoot. The first step is to count the letters, and look to see if the middle two letters (if the band title has an even number of letters) are somewhat similar. The middle two letters of Indricothere are “o” and “c”. This is good. There are countless approaches to creating a band logo, I prefer them to be messy, hyper detailed, illegible and symmetrical.
Colin asked me to do something like that for the logo. The first draft shows a big influence from Roger Dean's work on the Yes album covers, and also the Dystopia logo, drawn by Dino Sommese (in an interview for Profane Existence, Dystopia has said that they made new fans when people came to their shows expecting to see rap music, due to their logo). This direction wasn't exactly perfect, so I started on a much gorier, drippier, sloppier kind of logo, which isn't quite done yet. But it looks great!

The last one here is my work in progress on the logo...