This is the completed art for the back cover of the Indricothere LP. There is definitely going to be some text added to this; recording information, thanks, label info – that kind of thing. But this is the art itself - it's totally done. I can't really pin down what inspired the general look here, Privat Livemont's Art Nouveau poster for Absinthe Robette, the Hapshash and the Coloured Coat LP cover, photos of nebulae. The plant-like mass at the bottom is definitely a riff on the floral details in St. Anselm's Meditations, but also it vaguely resembles the Indricothere logo I came up for the front cover. As the Indricothere is a giant vegetarian mammal (which has a metal band named after it) I made this twisted mass of vinelike plant structures to reinforce that theme a bit more, and made it really intricate because, after all, this is technical death metal.
The Indricothere page is here.